Sunday, June 26, 2011

Do you have a gun?

Juba town is much bigger than I expected!

This was the first contact with the local people.

I safely arrived in Juba - the capital of Southern Sudan - 2 days ago. The city is calm but under certain tension for the coming historical event.
Yesterday, there was weapon search(government or army search the weapon kept by local people) all over the city with restriction of movement for half a day.
After the restriction lifted, I was on the way to office with some colleague and asked the title phrase by the soldier.
I'm not still familiarize to see the armed soldier on the road. But the people here are kind and friendly to me.
Also the kind Japanese colleague make me feel at home.

Glad to be here.


  1. よかったぁ☆彡
    ぶじに着いたんだね( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


    現地にはやく慣れることを願ってます♪( ´▽`)

  2. Aki-chan, Arigato~!!
    Local people are friendly with beautiful smiles!
    iitoko dayo~ ;-)
