Sunday, October 23, 2011

A scene from Bor

Even within the town, most of the places offer very traditional  scenes

Similar to Malakal, Jonglei state also has black cotton soil
which  become quite muddy after the rain and cannot be dried easily

Accessing a house is difficult due to the rain & muddy ground in some places

This mission gave me another view of this country.
Compared to northern towns which I visited so far (Malakal and Aweil), Bor offered me a totally different scenery.
Malakal and Aweil has several old brick structures(influence of north) in town and town looked really town.
But for me, Bor looked much traditional and rural than those town even I only could see around inside of town due to security and seasonal reason(Still rainy season and almost impossible to access out of town, I was told.).

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