Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One night at Addis Ababa

I forgot the name of the dish... but it tasted good!
I supposed to come back to Juba on Wednesday but we missed the flight on Wednesday.
After few hours struggling, we could be on the manifest for Thursday.

On Thursday, we flew back to Juba finally and I could connect to the international flight to Addis after 3hrs.
Within 3hrs, I somehow managed packing, shower, lunch, online banking, one meeting & wrap-up email!!

So after 2hrs flight from Juba, I could be in Addis and have reunion dinner with our former colleague who currently working in Addis.

Next day, I still had whole day to enjoy the town. Luckily the wife of my colleague took me to local lunch & coffee.
The dish contained minced beef with spices, local traditional cheese & vege together with their special bread & injera(Ethiopian crape). It was delicious!! I enjoyed it ;-)

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