Saturday, November 19, 2011

Slum Upgrading / UN-Habitat

Today, I finally visited one project by UN-Habitat which has been so attractive for me.
In Hai Zandia area, they have one project for slum upgrading.
The above picture is community center which was built with community using SSB(Stabilized soil block).

In Hai Zandia community, I could see a lot more rubbish than the other places on the ground.

This project has 2 parts.
1) Upgrade current area to more organized / planned area with better housing + basic facilities
2) Relocate part of the community to the new site providing proper planning + basic facilities with better housing

And this is the new relocation site.
Still in a bush - soon? to be a new town!
Community leaders
I was told this is the first family who already moved in!
The housing looks quite nice with mud block!

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