Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Direct assistance

Handover some T-shirts

They wanted skirts or one piece which can cover whole body
but, unfortunately, we didn't have such items in the stock...
(The ladies clothes were already sent to other locations...)

Today, I was a part of clothes and Non Food Item(NFI) distribution to those who ran away from their own land in Pibor, Jonglei State due to tribal fighting.
They had to run away as soon as possible and didn't have time to carry their own things.

So we distributed some basic items which might help their survival life here in Juba.
Part of it, we had donated clothes from Fast Retailing (a Japanese apparel company which is well known by UNIQLO brand). People were happy to receive those donated second hand clothes!

Since my main role at the office is not this type of assistance, it was first time for me to assist IDP(internally displaced people) directly. So I was glad to assist them directly and become part of delivery of Japanese products.

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