Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Yes, now we have newly hand-made kitchen space in our house! I'm so glad finally!!
The kitchen stand was welded and assembled by our engineering staffs!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Reintegration Workshop in Juba

We have been organizing workshop per region for our reintegration project. Reintegration project means assistance for returnees in simple words. We do several different kinds of intervention to promote peaceful co-existence between returnees and host community.

One of the reintegration activities is the shelter project which I'm engaged in.
We did 2 regional workshop for Unity/Upper Nile region and for Greater Bahel Ghazal region last couple of weeks and finally we ended with the one in Juba for Central Equatoria, Jonglei and Lakes states today. 

I was very happy to hear very good feedback from our participants from government(both central & local), NGO, CBO(Community-based organization) and our own staff!

And I was so much grateful for all the support we received from our colleague in short time!!

Workshop session at our cafeteria.
Shelter site visit in Gudele West
Urban planning analysis in blooming area - Gudele.
Government officials tried our block making project(which requires so much energy!!).
We do this block making as livelihood project and use for our shelter project.

Monday, May 28, 2012

JP Dinner in Juba

Tuna Sashimi
Salmon Sashimi

I'm glad that we can eat Japanese foods in Juba. However, I confirmed the best Sashimi is only available in Japan, for sure!

Especially, just after the trip back from Japan, the gap was big... of course!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Yesterday, I joined a team from Japanese contingent (of PKO mission here in South Sudan called UNMISS) to climb a mountain at the outskirt of Juba.
We enjoyed good exercise and great view from the top! It was very clear that Juba is expanding a lot!

At the foot of mountain, local people live on selling
crashed  rocks of the mountain.
On the way, we also saw industrial company who was cutting rocks
of the mountain systematically with heavy equipment.
From the top - direction of the lake.
Historical leftover...

Please enjoy 360 degrees view of Juba from the top! 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

School & Shelter inauguration ceremony

Before I left for my feeding trip, we had a school & shelter inauguration ceremony in Gudele(at outskirt of Juba).

New School building funded by UNHCR
Community people attended at the ceremony
Cutting ribbon for new building!
Organized a tour to show our shelter project(new design) to the government officials.
With one of the beneficiaries (Right: A beneficiary)
For information dissemination to enable non-UNHCR beneficiaries to copy the same structure,
we open the necessary information in public on the wall of our demonstration shelter. 
Pupils played a play about the importance of the education for girls!
This was very nice with many humors!!
At the end of the ceremony, headmaster send a gift to honorable guests.
The gift was this picture which shows how they started this school in the beginning.

Friday, May 25, 2012

My feeding trip to Japan

 Started from...
Proper breakfast with Natto, Yamaimo, Dashimaki, Onsen-tamago, miso soup

Sushi @ my hometown

Tempura Udon
Sushi @ Tokyo
Azuki Maccha Danish - my favorite from Ritz Carlton Bakery 

Ra-men @ Ippu-do

Takoyaki @ Gindako


Finalized with...

Very satisfied! ;-)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

After long silence...

Immigration card - first time to fill this card!

I have been away from my blog more than a week.
One week after I suffered from 3rd Malaria, I was due for my one week break.
Before I go to the airport, I drop by the clinic and did Malaria test to ensure I don't have it anymore.
Then, I found that I still have it, although the density was very low... So My break started with Malaria medication...

But one week stay at my home country was great! It recharged me enough to resume.
However, I still feel body pains and slight high body temperature though...

Anyway, I came back to Juba and jumped into the emergency operation for receiving returnees from North.
This is the biggest massive return I've ever seen since last year in Juba. Hope we can assist the peaceful and safe return to their final destination to start their lives there!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Malaria + Stomach Infection again!

Medicine for Malaria
We can buy this in Nairobi around USD 1-2, but in Juba, it was around USD 10...

Medicine for Stomach Infection

As soon as I came back from Nairobi, I fell into sick again. The symptom was again similar to Malaria.
I went to clinic to test and found it was positive.

(I think I got this Malaria from my last mission in Malakal... )

On that night, I couldn't sleep due to the heavy stomach pain and found I had another stomach infection simultaneously...

But why??
I have been so keen to take care of myself especially for anti-mosquitoes!
I wear long sleeve shirt, long pants, socks and use repellent.
What else should I do to keep myself in good condition??

Anyway, I'm almost recovered. Should be ready for long flight on this weekend!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Met new people in Nairobi

Enjoyed curry & gyoza!

In Nairobi, thanks to such a wonderful friend, I had a chance to see some people who are working in humanitarian world based in Nairobi.

It is always great to see someone who are working in similar world with different background and profession!
This time, I was privileged to see small friend who is a huge fun of "Ultra Man", a TV character from my country ;-)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Brown & White Zebra!

at Nairobi National Park

This time, I visited Nairobi National Park which is located just on outskirt of Nairobi to see some animals.
Compared to Masai Mara, it was of course small scale, but I saw "Brown & White" Zebra for the first time in my life!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shopping in Nairobi

I became a big fan of this brand called "KAZURI". This is a women group who make such wonderful hand made accessories.
I got one of their accessories a few years ago from my friend who used to work in Africa. And after I came to Africa last year, I found their fantastic collection with wide range of design and various color.
This time, I took more than an hour to select some pieces which can be suitable in Japan as well.

* You will find their shops in major shopping centers such as West Gate.
* I heard their factory can do "order made" for you. But better to check the biz hour before you go. I missed it since they close on Sunday...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Weekend in Nairobi

At Giraffe Center 

After I flew back from Malakal on last Thursday, I left for Nairobi on the weekend.
Thanks to my super kind friends, I enjoyed my stay there!