Tuesday, May 22, 2012

After long silence...

Immigration card - first time to fill this card!

I have been away from my blog more than a week.
One week after I suffered from 3rd Malaria, I was due for my one week break.
Before I go to the airport, I drop by the clinic and did Malaria test to ensure I don't have it anymore.
Then, I found that I still have it, although the density was very low... So My break started with Malaria medication...

But one week stay at my home country was great! It recharged me enough to resume.
However, I still feel body pains and slight high body temperature though...

Anyway, I came back to Juba and jumped into the emergency operation for receiving returnees from North.
This is the biggest massive return I've ever seen since last year in Juba. Hope we can assist the peaceful and safe return to their final destination to start their lives there!

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