Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Reintegration Workshop in Juba

We have been organizing workshop per region for our reintegration project. Reintegration project means assistance for returnees in simple words. We do several different kinds of intervention to promote peaceful co-existence between returnees and host community.

One of the reintegration activities is the shelter project which I'm engaged in.
We did 2 regional workshop for Unity/Upper Nile region and for Greater Bahel Ghazal region last couple of weeks and finally we ended with the one in Juba for Central Equatoria, Jonglei and Lakes states today. 

I was very happy to hear very good feedback from our participants from government(both central & local), NGO, CBO(Community-based organization) and our own staff!

And I was so much grateful for all the support we received from our colleague in short time!!

Workshop session at our cafeteria.
Shelter site visit in Gudele West
Urban planning analysis in blooming area - Gudele.
Government officials tried our block making project(which requires so much energy!!).
We do this block making as livelihood project and use for our shelter project.

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